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Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Action to reduce waste, waste raw materials and over-utilize natural resources



What is it all about?


Reduction in sources, reusement, and recycling are three courses of action which when acted upon would enable us, the inhabitants of earth, to keep our environment clean and lessen the amount of environmentally-inimical substances produced by humans. This  will positively-alter the condition of the environment, to meet the conditions required by humans and animals.  Reduction in sources. The purpose of the reduction in sources is to reduce the usage of raw materials for the purpose of manufacturing products in factories, as well as to reduce the amount of waste generated as a result of injecting these products into the trash. Reduction in sources corresponds with a reduction in the consumption of products. Reduction in sources is an effective and inexpensive method of getting rid of unnecessary waste in advance, as well as reducing the use of raw materials. The reduction in sources is also based on the law of "Wise Consumption". According to this principle, it is important to make a distinction between basic products that we must use in order to perform daily activities, and products that we do not really need. Take for example the small plastic bags, in which sandwiches can be stored and brought to school or work, and think: Do we have to use these bags every day? Or we can save them and use a reusable box instead? 

Reuse. Reusement  helps us to prevent the creation of more trash that will be thrown into the huge trash pile that already exists, by allowing us to make use of the same product many times over. There are several options in which the product can be reused; The first option is to use the product more times in accordance with its original purpose, and the second option is to make a change to the product and use it for a new purpose. As an example of the first option of reuse, you can take a plastic bottle, and after buying the bottle at the supermarket and drinking it all, you will not throw it in the trash, but rather fill it up again, or, according to the second option for reuse, cut the bottle in half and use it as a planter for a flower pot.

Recycling. Recycling is a process designed to allow reuse of various materials and products by re-forging them into new, usable products. The most common materials for recycling are: paper, textiles, cardboard, cans and bottles (glass and plastic), metals of various kinds, electrical appliances and electronic waste. Recycling helps improve and protect. The environment, by the very nature of its main essential purpose:to take waste that is no longer fit to use, process it and turn it into a new product that can be used once again. As a result, recycling can prevent further production of materials in factories, thus limiting waste of raw materials and pollution.

By carrying the ribbon of this subject we will express a will to act in these ways:

  • Encouraging awareness of the issue among friends and work.

  • Reducing shopping to only necessary things.

  • Reduced usage of plastic.

  • Usage reusable utensils (reusable bottle)

  • Reducing the usage of plastic bags and preferring reusable baskets.

  • Collection of recyclable products (bottles, glass, clothes).

  • Reducing paper use. (Printable)

  • Encouraging reuse and passing on items that are not needed over dumping.



  1. Paper production from recycled raw material reduces pollution by 95%.


  1. If we put in one row all the disposable styrofoam cups made in the world in just one day, they will orbit the earth more than once! 

The plastic bottles undergo a thorough crushing process during the recycling process and are shredded into tiny plastic flakes later used for egg molds, clothes or blankets made of brass.

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